
Scientific publications

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# Bouga M, Alaux C, Bienkowska M, Büchler R, Carreck NL, Cauia E, et al. A review of methods for discrimination of honey bee populations as applied to European beekeeping. Journal of Apicultural Research 2011;50:51–84. [ doi:10.3896/IBRA.]
# Büchler R, Costa C, Hatjina F, Andonov S, Meixner MD, Conte YL, et al. The influence of genetic origin and its interaction with environmental effects on the survival of Apis mellifera L. colonies in Europe. Journal of Apicultural Research 2014;53:205–14. [ doi:10.3896/IBRA.]
#[1]De la Rúa P, Jaffé R, Dall’Olio R, Muñoz I, Serrano J. Biodiversity, conservation and current threats to European honeybees. Apidologie 2009;40:263–84. [ doi:10.1051/apido/2009027.]