
Opening and handling the bee colony

57 bytes added, 08:10, 2 November 2016
Some differentiating features of Nordic brown bees in comparison to Italian, Crainiolan, and Buckfast bees include:
*Worker bees form small clusters during handling and move to the lowest corner of the comb when the comb is lifted up. The [[Check queen presence and egg laying|queen]] can also be in these small clusters. As such, the queen can end up outside of the beehive and can be lost on the ground, because these little groups of bees can easily fall down. Because of this, the frames should always be handled above the bee hive so that falling bees will drop into the hive.
*Bees move remarkably quickly on the frame’s surface. In fact, staying on the comb gets a value of 2 when the performance is evaluated on the [ BeeBreed ] scale from fast moving 1 to very peaceful bees with grade 5.
*The queen is living easily three years and is commonly kept two seasons before changing. During collecting this material the longest reported lifespan for queen has been seven years.
*The queen is very good at hiding herself on the comb by hiding under the worker bees, by hiding in the holes of the comb, and by moving side to side during the inspection.